Say “I do” to a Website You’ll Love

We’ve got close connections in the wedding industry — our LaLa leader is even married to a wedding professional! So we know what you’re looking for when you want to elevate your expertise in a discerning industry. Whether a venue or vendor, our wedding website tools will add the final touches to your website.

We built our WordPress Wedding Plugin tools to add value to our original LaLa Theme 4. It’s love at first sight for these duos, but if you want a bigger bash, let’s talk about putting our heads together to make a custom creation that’s swoon-worthy.

We Vow to Create Value

Theme + Plugins + Database + Customization… We pulled out all the creative tools to build websites that produce results for wedding biz professionals.

An Integrated Solution

LaLa Projects has created a solution for Wedding Industry professionals to elevate their website with local data. We have built and now manage many wedding venue and vendor websites throughout the Northern Michigan community. Over time we started to see a pattern in the type of information that our clients are interested in displaying on their websites. Rather than building the same thing over and over again, we decided to build a database of local businesses called The database is backed by a set of WordPress Plugins specifically built for the wedding industry.